Chemistry 5 2023

Oxalamide Based Fe(II)-MOFs as Potential Electrode Modifiers for Glucose Detection

Oikonomopoulos, Panagiotis; Pagkali, Varvara; Kritikou, Evangelia; Panara, Anthi; Kostakis, Marios G.; Thomaidis, Nicolaos S.; Tziotzi, Thomais G.; Economou, Anastasios; Kokkinos, Christos; Papaefstathiou, Giannis S.
Micromachines 13 2022

Stainless Steel Foil-Based Label-Free Modular Thin-Film Electrochemical Detector for Solvent Identification

Rozman, Martin; Lukšič, Miha
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 190 2023

Bipolar membrane electrodialysis integration into the biotechnological production of itaconic acid: A proof-of-concept study

Rózsenberszki, Tamás; Komáromy, Péter; Hülber-Beyer, Éva; Pesti, Andrea; Koók, László; Bakonyi, Péter; Bélafi-Bakó, Katalin; Nemestóthy, Nándor
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 379 2023

Portable instrument and current polarization limitations of high sensitivity constant-potential capacitive readout with polymeric ion-selective membranes

Kraikaew, Pitchnaree; Soda, Yoshiki; Nussbaum, Robin; Jeanneret, Stéphane; Bakker, Eric
Electrocatalysis 2022

Electrochemical Detection of Nevirapine Using Banana Peel Extract Functionalised Nickel Selenide Quantum Dots

Tito, Ginny S.; Kuvarega, Alex T.; Mamba, Bhekie B.; Feleni, Usisipho
IJTech (International Journal of Technology) 13 2022

Preliminary Study on the Fabrication of Multi-Layer Screen-Printed Electrode for Biosensor Application

Alfarobi, Habib; Yulianti, Elly Septia; Intan, Nurul; Whulanza, Yudan; Park, Don-Hee; Rahman, Siti Fauziyah
Sensors 23 2022

Gold Nanoparticles/Nanographene-Based 3D Sensors Integrated in Mini-Platforms for Thiamine Detection

Gheorghe, Damaris-Cristina; van Staden, Jacobus Koos Frederick; Stefan-van Staden, Raluca-Ioana; Sfirloaga, Paula
iScience 2022

Q-lipid containing membranes show high in-plane conductivity using a membrane-on-a-chip setup

Ramach, Ulrich; Andersson, Jakob; Schöfbeck, Rosmarie; Valtiner, Markus
Mikrochimica acta 190 2023

Ion-selective electrodes based on laser-induced graphene as an alternative method for nitrite monitoring

Soares, Raquel R. A.; Hjort, Robert G.; Pola, Cícero C.; Jing, Dapeng; Cecon, Victor S.; Claussen, Jonathan C.; Gomes, Carmen L.
Talanta 255 2023

Investigating the electrochemical profile of methamphetamine to enable fast on-site detection in forensic analysis

Dragan, Ana-Maria; Parrilla, Marc; Sleegers, Nick; Slosse, Amorn; van Durme, Filip; van Nuijs, Alexander; Oprean, Radu; Cristea, Cecilia; Wael, Karolien de
ACS applied materials & interfaces 2023

Systematic Design of a Graphene Ink Formulation for Aerosol Jet Printing

Gamba, Livio; Johnson, Zachary T.; Atterberg, Jackie; Diaz-Arauzo, Santiago; Downing, Julia R.; Claussen, Jonathan C.; Hersam, Mark C.; Secor, Ethan B.
ACS omega 2023

Electrochemical Sensors Based on a Composite of Electrochemically Reduced Graphene Oxide and PEDOT:PSS for Hydrazine Detection

Rahman, Hemas Arif; Rafi, Mohamad; Putra, Budi Riza; Wahyuni, Wulan Tri
J. Appl. Polym. Sci. (Journal of Applied Polymer Science) 2023

D‐A‐D type functional conducting polymer: Development of its electrochromic properties and laccase biosensor

Udum, Yasemin A.; Aktas Gemci, Melek; Cevher, Duygu; Soylemez, Saniye; Cirpan, Ali; Toppare, Levent
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 911 2022

Ti3C2-MXene@N-doped carbon heterostructure-based electrochemical sensor for simultaneous detection of heavy metals

Zhang, Xiao; An, Dong; Bi, Zhaoshun; Shan, Wei; Zhu, Beibei; Zhou, Long; Yu, Liangmin; Zhang, Han; Xia, Shuwei; Qiu, Meng
J. Electrochem. Soc. (Journal of The Electrochemical Society) 169 2022

Complex Dynamic Behavior During the Electro-Reduction of Bromate Ions

Glasco, Dalton L.; Sheelam, Anjaiah; Bell, Jeffrey G.

Integrated multi-material portable 3D-printed platform for electrochemical detection of dopamine and glucose

Domingo-Roca, Roger; Macdonald, Alexander R.; Hannah, Stuart; Corrigan, Damion K.
Mikrochimica acta 189 2022

Stainless steel electrochemical capacitive microneedle sensors for multiplexed simultaneous measurement of pH, nitrates, and phosphates

Mugo, Samuel M.; Lu, Weihao; Lemieux, Stephane
886 2022

Sensing technology

Suryadevara, Nagender Kumar; George, Boby; Jayasundera, Krishanthi P.; Roy, J. K.; Mukhopadhyay, Subhas Chandra
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