Talanta 80 2009

Kinetic approach for evaluation of total antioxidant activity

Karyakina, Elena E.; Vokhmyanina, Darya V.; Sizova, Natalya V.; Sabitov, Aytugan N.; Borisova, Anastasiya V.; Sazontova, Tatyana G.; Arkhipenko, Yury V.; Tkachuk, Vsevolod A.; Zolotov, Yury A.; Karyakin, Arkady A.
Electrochimica Acta 54 2009

Diffusion controlled analytical performances of hydrogen peroxide sensors

Karyakin, Arkady A.; Kuritsyna, Elena A.; Karyakina, Elena E.; Sukhanov, Vladislav L.
Electroanalysis 21 2009

Peculiarities of Electrochemical Bismuth Film Formation in the Presence of Bromide and Heavy Metal Ions

Grincienė, Giedrė; Selskienė, Aušra; Verbickas, Rolandas; Norkus, Eugenijus; Pauliukaite, Rasa
Electroanalysis 21 2009

Voltammetric Detection of Lead(II) Using Amide-Cyclam- Functionalized Silica-Modified Carbon Paste Electrodes

Goubert-Renaudin, Stéphanie; Moreau, Mathieu; Despas, Christelle; Meyer, Michel; Denat, Franck; Lebeau, Bénédicte; Walcarius, Alain
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 93 2009

A new approach for design of organic electrochromic devices with inter-digitated electrode structure

Bar, Galit; Strum, Galit; Gvishi, Raz; Larina, Nina; Lokshin, Vladimir; Khodorkovsky, Vladimir; Grinis, Larissa; Zaban, Arie; Kiryuschev, Irina
Bioelectrochemistry (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 79 2010

In situ synthesis of biomolecule encapsulated gold-cross-linked poly(ethylene glycol) nanocomposite as biosensing platform: a model study

Odaci, Dilek; Kahveci, Muhammet U.; Sahkulubey, Elif L.; Ozdemir, Caglar; Uyar, Tamer; Timur, Suna; Yagci, Yusuf
Electrochimica Acta 55 2010

Local reactivity of diamond-like carbon modified PTFE membranes used in SO2 sensors

Nebel, Michaela; Neugebauer, Sebastian; Kiesele, Herbert; Schuhmann, Wolfgang
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 145 2010

Characterization and application of a chlorine microelectrode for measuring monochloramine within a biofilm

Lee, Woo Hyoung; Pressman, Jonathan G.; Wahman, David G.; Bishop, Paul L.
Electrochimica Acta 55 2010

Improvement of enzyme electrocatalysis using substrate containing electroactive polymers. Towards limiting efficiencies of bioelectrocatalysis

Karyakin, Arkady A.; Vinogradova, Darya V.; Morozov, Sergey V.; Karyakina, Elena E.
Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. (Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications) 75 2010

Electroanalysis of some catecholamines at a single-wall nanotubes modified carbon paste electrode

Jemelková, Zuzana; Zima, Jiří; Barek, Jiří
Electrophoresis 31 2010

New analytical portable instrument for microchip electrophoresis with electrochemical detection

Fernandez-la-Villa, Ana; Pozo-Ayuso, Diego F.; Castano-Alvarez, Mario
Electrochemistry Communications 12 2010

High performance electrochemical sensor based on modified screen-printed electrodes with cost-effective dispersion of nanostructured carbon black

Arduini, Fabiana; Amine, Aziz; Majorani, Costanza; Di Giorgio, Floriana; Felicis, Daniele de; Cataldo, Franco; Moscone, Danila; Palleschi, Giuseppe
Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids 26 2010

Aminopyrazole-based ligand induces gold nanoparticle formation and remains available for heavy metal ions sensing. A simple "mix and detect" approach

Aragay, Gemma; Pons, Josefina; Ros, Josep; Merkoci, Arben
Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 69 2011

Amperometric electrode for determination of urea using electrodeposited rhodium and immobilized urease

Velichkova, Yana; Ivanov, Yavor; Marinov, Ivaylo; Ramesh, Rajendran; Kamini, Numbi Ramudu; Dimcheva, Nina; Horozova, Elena; Godjevargova, Tzonka
Polyhedron 30 2011

Electrochemical characterization and analytical application of arsenopyrite mineral in non-aqueous solutions by voltammetry and potentiometry

Stanić, Zorka; Dimić, Tijana; Simić, Zoran; Jakšić, Ljiljana; Girousi, Stella
Analytical chemistry 83 2011

Superstable advanced hydrogen peroxide transducer based on transition metal hexacyanoferrates

Sitnikova, Natalya A.; Borisova, Anastasiya V.; Komkova, Maria A.; Karyakin, Arkady A.
Electrochemistry Communications 13 2011

Development of an all-solid-state potassium ion-selective electrode using graphene as the solid-contact transducer

Ping, Jianfeng; Wang, Yixian; Wu, Jian; Ying, Yibin
Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 31 2011

Electroconductive Polymers in (Bio)chemical Sensors

Pijanowska, Dorota G.; Kossakowska, Agnieszka; Torbicz, Władysław
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