CAC (Current Analytical Chemistry) 13 2017

Investigating the Enhancement of Microfluidics-Based Electrochemical Biosensor Response with Different Microchannel Dimensions

Abdulbari, Hayder A.; Basheer, Esmail A.
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 259 2018

Fabrication and characterization of highly sensitive and selective sensors based on porous NiO nanodisks

Zhou, Qu; Umar, Ahmad; Sodki, El Mehdi; Amine, Aziz; Xu, Lingna; Gui, Yingang; Ibrahim, Ahmed A.; Kumar, Rajesh; Baskoutas, S.
Materials science & engineering. C, Materials for biological applications 90 2018

"Biomimetic-electrochemical-sensory-platform" for biomolecule free cocaine testing

Yilmaz Sengel, Tulay; Guler, Emine; Arslan, Mustafa; Gumus, Z. Pinar; Sanli, Serdar; Aldemir, Ebru; Akbulut, Huseyin; Odaci Demirkol, Dilek; Coskunol, Hakan; Timur, Suna; Yagci, Yusuf
Electroanalysis 30 2018

Co 2 SnO 4 /Carbon Nanotubes Composites: A Novel Approach for Electrochemical Sensing of Hydrogen Peroxide

Yedinak, E.; Venegas, C. J.; Brito, T. P.; Ruiz-León, D.; Bollo, S.
Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. (Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society) 39 2018

Electrosynthesized Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for Laccase Using the Inactivated Enzyme as the Target

Yarman, Aysu
Talanta 186 2018

Flow manifold for chemical H-point standard addition method implemented to electrochemical analysis based on the capacitance measurements

Wieczorek, Marcin; Madej, Maria; Starzec, Karolina; Knihnicki, Paweł; Telk, Anna; Kochana, Jolanta; Kościelniak, Paweł
European Polymer Journal 109 2018

Long side-chain grafting imparts intrinsic adhesiveness to poly(thiophene phenylene) conjugated polymer

Wang, Min; Baek, Paul; Voorhaar, Lenny; Chan, Eddie Wai Chi; Nelson, Andrew; Barker, David; Travas-Sejdic, Jadranka
Journal of colloid and interface science 515 2018

Electrophoretic deposition of single-source precursors as a general approach for the formation of hybrid nanorod array heterostructures

Volokh, Michael; Diab, Mahmud; Flomin, Kobi; Mokari, Taleb
Moscow Univ. Chem. Bull. (Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin) 73 2018

Prussian Blue-Based Thin-Layer Flow-Injection Multibiosensor for Simultaneous Determination of Glucose and Lactate

Vokhmyanina, D. V.; Karyakina, E. E.; Andreev, E. A.; Karyakin, A. A.
Applied Surface Science 444 2018

An electrospun nanofiber matrix based on organo-clay for biosensors: PVA/PAMAM-Montmorillonite

Unal, Betul; Yalcinkaya, Esra Evrim; Demirkol, Dilek Odaci; Timur, Suna
Lab on a chip 18 2018

Open nanofluidic films with rapid transport and no analyte exchange for ultra-low sample volumes

Twine, N. B.; Norton, R. M.; Brothers, M. C.; Hauke, A.; Gomez, E. F.; Heikenfeld, J.
Proceedings 2 2018

Microfabricated Au-Film Sensors for the Voltammetric Determination of Hg(II)

Tsetsoni, Maria; Roditi, Eleni; Kokkinos, Christos; Economou, Anastasios
Chemical Engineering Journal 350 2018

Characterization of an enzymatic packed-bed microreactor: Experiments and modeling

Strniša, Filip; Bajić, Marijan; Panjan, Peter; Plazl, Igor; Sesay, Adama Marie; Žnidaršič-Plazl, Polona
Electrochimica Acta 287 2018

Long-term stability of screen-printed pseudo-reference electrodes for electrochemical biosensors

Søpstad, Sindre; Johannessen, Erik A.; Seland, Frode; Imenes, Kristin
J Chem Sci (Journal of Chemical Sciences) 130 2018

Synthesis and optoelectronic investigation of triarylamines based on imidazoanthraquinone as donor–acceptors for n-type materials

ChemElectroChem 5 2018

A Functional Platform for the Detection of JWH-073 as a Model for Synthetic Cannabinoids

Sengel, Tulay Yilmaz; Celik, Emine Guler; Aydogan, Cansu; Gumus, Zinar Pinar; Ilktac, Raif; Aydindogan, Eda; Ciftci, Mustafa; Aldemir, Ebru; Coskunol, Hakan; Timur, Suna; Yagci, Yusuf
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 259 2018

Mechanistic modeling of cyclic voltammetry

Semenova, Daria; Zubov, Alexandr; Silina, Yuliya E.; Micheli, Laura; Koch, Marcus; Fernandes, Ana C.; Gernaey, Krist V.
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 258 2018

A reagent-free paper-based sensor embedded in a 3D printing device for cholinesterase activity measurement in serum

Scordo, Giorgio; Moscone, Danila; Palleschi, Giuseppe; Arduini, Fabiana
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