Adv. Funct. Mater. (Advanced Functional Materials) 29 2019

Autocatalytic Metallization of Fabrics Using Si Ink, for Biosensors, Batteries and Energy Harvesting

Grell, Max; Dincer, Can; Le, Thao; Lauri, Alberto; Nunez Bajo, Estefania; Kasimatis, Michael; Barandun, Giandrin; Maier, Stefan A.; Cass, Anthony E. G.; Güder, Firat
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 48 2019

Sulfur substitution in a Ni(cyclam) derivative results in lower overpotential for CO2 reduction and enhanced proton reduction

Gerschel, P.; Warm, K.; Farquhar, E. R.; Englert, U.; Reback, M. L.; Siegmund, D.; Ray, K.; Apfel, U-P
J. Braz. Chem. Soc. (Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society) 2019

Iridium-Based Catalysts for the Ethanol Electrooxidation in Acidic Media

da Silva, Fabiano; Silva-Junior, Luiz; Camara, Giuseppe; Giz, Martha Janete
BCC (Bulgarian Chemical Communications) 51 2019

Modified graphite electrodes as potential cathodic electrocatalysts for microbial electrolysis cells

Chorbadzhiyska, E.; Bardarov, I.; Hubenova, Y.; Mitov, M.
Electrochimica Acta 333 2020

Electrochemical oxidation of estrogens as a method for CYP19A1 (aromatase) electrocatalytic activity determination

Kuzikov, Alexey V.; Masamrekh, Rami A.; Filippova, Tatiana A.; Haurychenka, Yaraslau I.; Gilep, Andrei A.; Shkel, Tatsiana V.; Strushkevich, Natallia V.; Usanov, Sergey A.; Shumyantseva, Victoria V.
Nature materials 19 2020

Bias-free solar syngas production by integrating a molecular cobalt catalyst with perovskite-BiVO4 tandems

Andrei, Virgil; Reuillard, Bertrand; Reisner, Erwin
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