Optik 208 2020

Improving The Efficiency of DSSC with A Novel Multi-dye layers Approach

Hosseinpanahi, Kambiz; Golzarian, Mahmood Reza; Abbaspour-Fard, Mohammad Hossein; Feizy, Javad
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 872 2020

A multi-walled carbon nanotubes coated 3D printed anode developed for Biophotovotaic applications

Pankan, Aazraa O.; Yunus, Kamran; Sachyani, Ela; Elouarzaki, Kamal; Magdassi, Shlomo; Zeng, Minyu; Fisher, Adrian C.
iScience 2021

NADPH performs mediated electron transfer in cyanobacterial-driven bio-photoelectrochemical cells

Shlosberg, Yaniv; Eichenbaum, Benjamin; Tóth, Tünde N.; Levin, Guy; Liveanu, Varda; Schuster, Gadi; Adir, Noam
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 9 2009

A portable luminometer with a disposable electrochemiluminescent biosensor for lactate determination

Martinez-Olmos, Antonio; Ballesta-Claver, Julio; Palma, Alberto J.; Valencia-Miron, Maria Del Carmen; Capitan-Vallvey, Luis Fermin
The Analyst 134 2009

Disposable electrochemiluminescent biosensor for lactate determination in saliva

Ballesta Claver, J.; Valencia Miron, M. C.; Capitan-Vallvey, L. F.
ACS applied materials & interfaces 3 2011

Enhanced open-circuit voltage in visible quantum dot photovoltaics by engineering of carrier-collecting electrodes

Wang, Xihua; Koleilat, Ghada I.; Fischer, Armin; Tang, Jiang; Debnath, Ratan; Levina, Larissa; Sargent, Edward H.
J. Porphyrins Phthalocyanines (Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines) 15 2011

Electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical behavior of planar binuclear naphthalocyanines

Trashin, Stanislav A.; Dubinina, Tatiana V.; Fionov, Aleksander V.; Tomilova, Larisa G.
Eng. Life Sci. (Engineering in Life Sciences) 11 2011

Electrochemical switchable protein-based optical device

Frasca, Stefano; Richter, Claudia; Graberg, Till von; Smarsly, Bernd M.; Wollenberger, Ulla
Chem. Vap. Deposition (Chemical Vapor Deposition) 19 2013

Intrinsic Nitrogen-doped CVD-grown TiO 2 Thin Films from All-N-coordinated Ti Precursors for Photoelectrochemical Applications

Kim, Sun Ja; Xu, Ke; Parala, Harish; Beranek, Radim; Bledowski, Michal; Sliozberg, Kirill; Becker, Hans-Werner; Rogalla, Detlef; Barreca, Davide; Maccato, Chiara; Sada, Cinzia; Schuhmann, Wolfgang; Fischer, Roland A.; Devi, Anjana
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 43 2014

Novel near-IR absorbing phenyl-substituted phthalo- and naphthalocyanine complexes of lanthanide(III): synthesis and spectral and electrochemical properties

Dubinina, Tatiana V.; Paramonova, Kseniya V.; Trashin, Stanislav A.; Borisova, Nataliya E.; Tomilova, Larisa G.; Zefirov, Nikolay S.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP 18 2016

A comprehensive comparison of dye-sensitized NiO photocathodes for solar energy conversion

Wood, Christopher J.; Summers, Gareth H.; Clark, Charlotte A.; Kaeffer, Nicolas; Braeutigam, Maximilian; Carbone, Lea Roberta; D'Amario, Luca; Fan, Ke; Farre, Yoann; Narbey, Stephanie; Oswald, Frederic; Stevens, Lee A.; Parmenter, Christopher D. J.; Fay, Michael W.; La Torre, Alessandro; Snape, Colin E.; Dietzek, Benjamin; Dini, Danilo; Hammarstrom, Leif; Pellegrin, Yann; Odobel, Fabrice; Sun, Licheng; Artero, Vincent; Gibson, Elizabeth A.
Electrochimica Acta 202 2016

Electrochemistry and Spectroelectrochemistry with Electrospun Indium Tin Oxide Nanofibers

Mierzwa, Maciej; Lamouroux, Emmanuel; Vakulko, Ivan; Durand, Pierrick; Etienne, Mathieu
J. Phys. Chem. C (The Journal of Physical Chemistry C) 121 2017

Time-Resolved Spectroscopy of ZnTe Photocathodes for Solar Fuel Production

Xiong, Xianqiang; Forster, Mark; Major, Jonathan D.; Xu, Yiming; Cowan, Alexander J.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 46 2017

In situ XAS study of CoBi modified hematite photoanodes

Xi, Lifei; Schwanke, Christoph; Zhou, Dong; Drevon, Dorian; van de Krol, Roel; Lange, Kathrin M.

Enhancing the functionality of photovoltaic and photonic biointerfaces through structuration

Wenzel, Tobias
Dyes and Pigments 143 2017

Combined experimental and DFT-TDDFT investigation on anthocyanidins for application in dye-sensitised solar cells

Sinopoli, Alessandro; Citro, Ilaria; Calogero, Giuseppe; Bartolotta, Antonio
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 46 2017

Investigation of a new bis(carboxylate)triazole-based anchoring ligand for dye solar cell chromophore complexes

Sinopoli, Alessandro; Black, Fiona A.; Wood, Christopher J.; Gibson, Elizabeth A.; Elliott, Paul I. P.
Thin Solid Films 640 2017

The effect of first step anodization time on morphology and photocurrent response of TiO 2 nanotube arrays for application in backside illuminated dye-sensitized solar cells

Pourandarjani, Amin; Nasirpouri, Farzad
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