Chemistry 28 2022

The Use of Bridging Ligand Substituents to Bias the Population of Localized and Delocalized Mixed-Valence Conformers in Solution

Safari, Parvin; Gückel, Simon; Gluyas, Josef B. G.; Moggach, Stephen A.; Kaupp, Martin; Low, Paul J.
Advanced Energy Materials 2022

Photo‐Electrochemical Conversion of CO 2 Under Concentrated Sunlight Enables Combination of High Reaction Rate and Efficiency

Boutin, Etienne; Patel, Mahendra; Kecsenovity, Egon; Suter, Silvan; Janáky, Csaba; Haussener, Sophia
Biomacromolecules 23 2022

Controlled Bioactive Delivery Using Degradable Electroactive Polymers

Ashton, Mark D.; Cooper, Patricia A.; Municoy, Sofia; Desimone, Martin F.; Cheneler, David; Shnyder, Steven D.; Hardy, John G.
ChemElectroChem 2022

Exploring the Electrochemistry of Iron Dithiolene and Its Potential for Electrochemical Homogeneous Carbon Dioxide Reduction

Armstrong, Craig G.; Potter, Mark; Malcomson, Thomas; Hogue, Ross W.; M. Armstrong, Sapphire; Kerridge, Andrew; Toghill, Kathryn E.
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 369 2022

Design of a hydrodynamic cavitation system for the extraction and detection of Escherichia coli (O157:H7) from ground beef

Patel, Dhruv; Jayamohan, Harikrishnan; Nze, Ugochukwu; Lambert, Christopher; Feng, Haidong; Mahmood, Tawsif; Gale, Bruce; Sant, Himanshu
ACS sensors 2022

Methotrexate Detection in Serum at Clinically Relevant Levels with Electrochemically Assisted SERS on a Benchtop, Custom Built Raman Spectrometer

Göksel, Yaman; Dumont, Elodie; Slipets, Roman; Rajendran, Sriram T.; Sarikaya, Sevde; Thamdrup, Lasse H. E.; Schmiegelow, Kjeld; Rindzevicius, Tomas; Zor, Kinga; Boisen, Anja
Chemistry 25 2019

A Spectroscopic and Computationally Minimal Approach to the Analysis of Charge-Transfer Processes in Conformationally Fluxional Mixed-Valence and Heterobimetallic Complexes

Gückel, Simon; Gluyas, Josef B. G.; Eaves, Samantha G.; Safari, Parvin; Yufit, Dmitry S.; Sobolev, Alexandre N.; Kaupp, Martin; Low, Paul J.
IEEE Sensors J. (IEEE Sensors Journal) 2022

Synthesis of Tetracosane Functionalized Titanium Dioxide Sensor for Detecting Heptane as Pneumonia Breath Biomarker

Saffary, Yalda; Willis, Christina N.; Tripathy, Anurag; Jeppson, Mary; Carlson, Krista; Mohanty, Swomitra K.
Analytical sciences : the international journal of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry 2021

A facile electrochemical sensor based on composite of electrochemically reduced graphene oxide and PEDOT:PSS modified glassy carbon electrode for uric acid detection

Putra, Budi R.; Nisa, Ulfiatun; Heryanto, Rudi; Rohaeti, Eti; Khalil, Munawar; Izzataddini, Arini; Wahyuni, Wulan T.
Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research 2021

Nonenzymatic electrochemical sensors via Cu native oxides (CuNOx) for sweat glucose monitoring

Alam, Maksud M.; Howlader, Matiar M.R.
Inorganic chemistry 60 2021

Photochemistry of Heteroleptic 1,4,5,8-Tetraazaphenanthrene- and Bi-1,2,3-triazolyl-Containing Ruthenium(II) Complexes

Boota, Rayhaan Z.; Hardman, Samantha J. O.; Ashton, Gage P.; Rice, Craig R.; Scattergood, Paul A.; Elliott, Paul I. P.
Polym. Bull. (Polymer Bulletin) 2021

Chia oil performance as healing agent for epoxy resin-based smart coatings

Silva, Ana Carolina Moreira; Renzetti, Reny Angela; Sakita, Alan Massayuki Perdizio; Lavall, Rodrigo Lassarote; Sousa Andrada, Andreza de; Rohatgi, Pradeep Kumar; Da Silva, Mercês Coelho
Journal of Materials Research and Technology 15 2021

Microstructural and selective dissolution analysis of 316L austenitic stainless steel

Souza Silva, Erica Marcelino Freitas de; Da Fonseca, Gláucio Soares; Ferreira, Elivelton Alves
Biochimica et biophysica acta. Proteins and proteomics 1870 2022

Electrochemical characterization of mutant forms of rubredoxin B from Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Gilep, Andrei; Kuzikov, Alexey; Sushko, Tatsiana; Grabovec, Irina; Masamrekh, Rami; Sigolaeva, Larisa V.; Pergushov, Dmitry V.; Schacher, Felix H.; Strushkevich, Natallia; Shumyantseva, Victoria V.
Nanomaterials (Basel, Switzerland) 11 2021

Study of the Role of Void and Residual Silicon Dioxide on the Electrochemical Performance of Silicon Nanoparticles Encapsulated by Graphene

Argyropoulos, Dimitrios-Panagiotis; Zardalidis, George; Giotakos, Panagiotis; Daletou, Maria; Farmakis, Filippos
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 904 2022

Electrochemical determination of (S)-7-hydroxywarfarin for analysis of CYP2C9 catalytic activity

Kuzikov, Alexey V.; Filippova, Tatiana A.; Masamrekh, Rami A.; Shumyantseva, Victoria V.
Nanophotonics 11 2022

Electro-optically modulated lossy-mode resonance

Śmietana, Mateusz; Janaszek, Bartosz; Lechowicz, Katarzyna; Sezemsky, Petr; Koba, Marcin; Burnat, Dariusz; Kieliszczyk, Marcin; Stranak, Vitezslav; Szczepański, Paweł
Chem. Sci. 13 2022

Ultrafast transient absorption spectroelectrochemistry: femtosecond to nanosecond excited-state relaxation dynamics of the individual components of an anthraquinone redox couple

Goia, Sofia; Turner, Matthew A. P.; Woolley, Jack M.; Horbury, Michael D.; Borrill, Alexandra J.; Tully, Joshua J.; Cobb, Samuel J.; Staniforth, Michael; Hine, Nicholas D. M.; Burriss, Adam; Macpherson, Julie V.; Robinson, Ben R.; Stavros, Vasilios G.
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