Journal of Materials Research and Technology 16 2022

Inhibition effects of ionic and non-ionic derivatives of imidazole compounds on hydrogen permeation during carbon steel pickling

Silva, Matheus G.; Araujo, Rodrigo G. de; Silvério, Raquel L.; Costa, Alberto N.C.; Sangi, Diego P.; Pedrosa, Leandro F.; da Fonseca, Gláucio S.; da Silva, Ladário; Coelho, Lilian W.; Ferreira, Elivelton A.
Microchemical Journal 175 2022

Simultaneous electrochemical detection of uric acid and xanthine based on electrodeposited B, N co-doped reduced graphene oxide, gold nanoparticles and electropolymerized poly (L-cysteine) gradually modified electrode platform

Ghanbari, Mohammad Hossein; Mashhadizadeh, Mohammad Hossein; Norouzi, Zahra; Salehzadeh, Hamid
Inorganic Chemistry Communications 137 2022

Electrochemical study of CO2 reduction on Ti3C2Tx modified boron-doped diamond electrode

Jiwanti, Prastika Krisma; Alfaza, Asmaul Mashad; Kadja, Grandprix T.M.; Khalil, Munawar; Einaga, Yasuaki
Analytica chimica acta 1196 2022

Electrochemical detection of dioctyl phthalate using molecularly imprinted polymer modified screen-printed electrodes

El-Sharif, H. F.; Patel, S.; Ndunda, E. N.; Reddy, S. M.
Macromol. Chem. Phys. (Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics) 223 2022

The Polymerization of Homogentisic Acid In Vitro as a Model for Pyomelanin Formation

Galeb, Hanaa A.; Lamantia, Angelo; Robson, Alexander; König, Katja; Eichhorn, Jonas; Baldock, Sara J.; Ashton, Mark D.; Baum, John V.; Mort, Richard L.; Robinson, Benjamin J.; Schacher, Felix H.; Chechik, Victor; Taylor, Adam M.; Hardy, John G.
The Analyst 147 2022

An electrochemical paper-based analytical sensor for one-step latex protein detection

Mettakoonpitak, Jaruwan; Junkong, Preeyanuch; Saenonphut, Aphiwan; Kwamman, Tanagorn; Siripinyanond, Atitaya; Henry, Charles S.
J. Electrochem. Soc. (Journal of The Electrochemical Society) 169 2022

A Hybrid Screen-Printed Strip for Enhanced Electroanalysis towards Lead and Cadmium in Multi-Matrices

Raucci, Ada; Miglione, Antonella; Spinelli, Michele; Amoresano, Angela; Cinti, Stefano
Bioelectrochemistry (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 145 2022

Towards the development of reagent-free and reusable electrochemical aptamer-based cortisol sensor

Karuppaiah, Gopi; Velayutham, Jayasudha; Hansda, Shekhar; Narayana, Nagesh; Bhansali, Shekhar; Manickam, Pandiaraj
Bioactive Materials 2021

Exploring the degradation behavior of MgXAg alloys by in vitro electrochemical methods

Zhang, Yuqiuhan; Zimmermann, Tycho; Mueller, Wolf-Dieter; Witte, Frank; Beuer, Florian; Schwitalla, Andreas
Environmental science & technology 2021

Office Paper-Based Electrochemical Strips for Organophosphorus Pesticide Monitoring in Agricultural Soil

Cioffi, Alessia; Mancini, Marco; Gioia, Valentina; Cinti, Stefano
Materials and Corrosion 2021

Effect of heat treatment on the chromium‐depleted zones of a high carbon martensitic stainless steel

Siqueira, Jordânio S.; Abreu Alves, Marcos R.; Marcial Luiz, Thaís; Renzetti, Reny A.
Biosensors & bioelectronics 193 2021

Integrated hand-held electrochemical sensor for multicomponent detection in urine

Liu, Jiang; Lu, Wei; Zhang, Lu; Yang, Jiao; Yao, Zhong-Ping; He, Yongcheng; Li, Yingchun
J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics) 2021

Solid-phase synthesis and study of the structural, optical, and photocatalytic properties of the ATiO3, A = Ca, Sr, Ba ceramic

Karakozov, B. K.; Kozlovskiy, A. L.; Janseitov, D. M.; Zdorovets, M. V.
Biosensors 11 2021

Use of PEDOT:PSS/Graphene/Nafion Composite in Biosensors Based on Acetic Acid Bacteria

Plekhanova, Yulia; Tarasov, Sergei; Reshetilov, Anatoly
Biosensors & bioelectronics 194 2021

Accessible detection of SARS-CoV-2 through molecular nanostructures and automated microfluidics

Zhao, Haitao; Zhang, Yan; Chen, Yuan; Ho, Nicholas R. Y.; Sundah, Noah R.; Natalia, Auginia; Liu, Yu; Miow, Qing Hao; Wang, Yu; Tambyah, Paul A.; Ong, Catherine W. M.; Shao, Huilin
Catalysts 11 2021

Na3[Ru2(µ-CO3)4] as a Homogeneous Catalyst for Water Oxidation; HCO3− as a Co-Catalyst

Patra, Shanti Gopal; Mondal, Totan; Sathiyan, Krishnamoorthy; Mizrahi, Amir; Kornweitz, Haya; Meyerstein, Dan

Functional basis of electron transport within photosynthetic complex I

Richardson, Katherine H.; Wright, John J.; Šimėnas, Mantas; Thiemann, Jacqueline; Esteves, Ana M.; McGuire, Gemma; Myers, William K.; Morton, John J.L.; Hippler, Michael; Nowaczyk, Marc M.; Hanke, Guy T.; Roessler, Maxie M.
Analytical chemistry 2021

Electroanalytical Sensor Based on Gold-Nanoparticle-Decorated Paper for Sensitive Detection of Copper Ions in Sweat and Serum

Bagheri, Neda; Mazzaracchio, Vincenzo; Cinti, Stefano; Colozza, Noemi; Di Natale, Concetta; Netti, Paolo Antonio; Saraji, Mohammad; Roggero, Simona; Moscone, Danila; Arduini, Fabiana
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