Polymers 15 2023

PEDOT: PSS/AuNPs-Based Composite as Voltammetric Sensor for the Detection of Pirimicarb

Deller, Andrei E.; Hryniewicz, Bruna M.; Pesqueira, Camila; Horta, Rayta Paim; Da Silva, Bruno José Gonçalves; Weheabby, Saddam; Al-Hamry, Ammar; Kanoun, Olfa; Vidotti, Marcio
Foods (Basel, Switzerland) 12 2023

Determination of Heavy Metal Ions in Infant Milk Powder Using a Nanoporous Carbon Modified Disposable Sensor

Chen, Han; Yao, Yao; Zhang, Chao; Ping, Jianfeng
Talanta 257 2023

Catalytically synthesized Prussian Blue nanozymes as labels for electrochemical DNA/RNA sensors

Komkova, Maria A.; Shavokshina, Vera A.; Zarochintsev, Alexander A.; Melnik, Denis M.; Aparin, Ilya O.; Zatsepin, Timofei S.; Karyakin, Arkady A.
Food Bioscience 52 2023

Metal nanocomposites-based electrochemical sensor for the detection of Vanillin (food additives): Experimental and theoretical approach

Kumari, Rajni; Kumar, Harish; Yadav, Ankita; Sharma, Rahul; Kumari, Anita; Kumar, Ashwani
Biosensors 13 2023

Nonenzymatic Electrochemical Glutamate Sensor Using Copper Oxide Nanomaterials and Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes

Ali, Md Younus; Knight, Dorian; Howlader, Matiar M. R.
J. Electrochem. Soc. (Journal of The Electrochemical Society) 170 2023

Application of Molecularly Imprinted Electrochemical Sensor for Selective Non-Labelled Detection of Acetamiprid Insecticide in Fruits

El Harery, Abdallah Hanafy; Ghani, N. T. Abdel; El Nashar, R. M.
ACS applied materials & interfaces 15 2023

Interactions of Catalytic Enzymes with n-Type Polymers for High-Performance Metabolite Sensors

Ohayon, David; Renn, Dominik; Wustoni, Shofarul; Guo, Keying; Druet, Victor; Hama, Adel; Chen, Xingxing; Maria, Iuliana Petruta; Singh, Saumya; Griggs, Sophie; Schroeder, Bob C.; Rueping, Magnus; McCulloch, Iain; Inal, Sahika
Biosensors & bioelectronics 235 2023

Weavable yarn-shaped supercapacitor in sweat-activated self-charging power textile for wireless sweat biosensing

Xiao, Gang; Ju, Jun; Li, Min; Wu, Huajun; Jian, Yihao; Sun, Wei; Wang, Wei; Li, Chang Ming; Qiao, Yan; Lu, Zhisong
Biosensors 13 2023

Single Printing Step Prussian Blue Bulk-Modified Transducers for Oxidase-Based Biosensors

Vokhmyanina, Darya; Daboss, Elena; Sharapova, Olesya; Mogilnikova, Mariia; Karyakin, Arkady
Faraday discussions 2023

Electrochemical experiments define potentials associated with binding of substrates and inhibitors to nitrogenase MoFe protein

Chen, Ting; Ash, Philip A.; Seefeldt, Lance C.; Vincent, Kylie A.
Diamond and Related Materials 133 2023

Sensitive determination and electrochemical evaluation of anticancer drug tofacitinib in pharmaceutical and biological samples using glassy carbon and boron-doped diamond electrodes

Budak, Fatma; Cetinkaya, Ahmet; Kaya, S. Irem; Atici, Esen Bellur; Ozkan, Sibel A.
Green chemistry : an international journal and green chemistry resource : GC 25 2023

Metal-free cysteamine-functionalized graphene alleviates mutual interferences in heavy metal electrochemical detection

Yang, Qiuyue; Nguyen, Emily P.; Panáček, David; Šedajová, Veronika; Hrubý, Vítězslav; Rosati, Giulio; Silva, Cecilia de Carvalho Castro; Bakandritsos, Aristides; Otyepka, Michal; Merkoçi, Arben
ACS sensors 8 2023

Impedimetric Nanobiosensor for the Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Antigens and Antibodies

Sandoval Bojórquez, Diana Isabel; Janićijević, Željko; Palestina Romero, Brenda; Oliveros Mata, Eduardo Sergio; Laube, Markus; Feldmann, Anja; Kegler, Alexandra; Drewitz, Laura; Fowley, Ciarán; Pietzsch, Jens; Fassbender, Juergen; Tonn, Torsten; Bachmann, Michael; Baraban, Larysa
Braz. J. Develop. (Brazilian Journal of Development) 9 2023

Evaluation of voltametric profiles for quantitative estimation of sigma phase (σ) content in duplex stainless steel UNS S31803: an ohmic and layers porous resistance models (LPRM) analysis

Rios, Jorge Omar; Forteski, Elan Gabriel; Ponte, Maria José Jerônimo de Santana; Ponte, Haroldo de Araújo
Applied Materials Today 31 2023

Charged laser-induced graphene electrodes exhibit strong capacitance-based antibacterial and antiviral properties

Beikzadeh, Sara; Akbarinejad, Alireza; Taylor, John; Swift, Simon; Simonov, Denis; Ross, Jacqueline; Perera, Janesha; Kilmartin, Paul A.; Travas-Sejdic, Jadranka
Talanta 257 2023

The development of electrochemical DNA biosensor based on poly-l-methionine and bimetallic AuPt nanoparticles coating: Picomolar detection of Imatinib and Erlotinib

Eskiköy Bayraktepe, Dilek; Yıldız, Ceren; Yazan, Zehra
Biosensors 13 2023

Electrochemical Sensing of Gallic Acid in Beverages Using a 3D Bio-Nanocomposite Based on Carbon Nanotubes/Spongin-Atacamite

Falahi, Sedigheh; Falahi, Sepideh; Zarejousheghani, Mashaalah; Ehrlich, Hermann; Joseph, Yvonne; Rahimi, Parvaneh
Microchemical Journal 189 2023

Low fouling aptasensing of rivaroxaban in real samples using poly (toluidine blue) decorated by silver nanoparticle: A new platform for the cardiovascular disease analysis

Ebrahimi, Rokhsareh; Hasanzadeh, Mohammad; Rashidi, Mohammad-Reza; Jouyban, Abolghasem
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