Journal of Alloys and Compounds 895 2022

Amorphous V-doped Co3S4 yolk-shell hollow spheres derived from metal-organic framework for high-performance asymmetric supercapacitors

Niknam, Ehsan; Naffakh-Moosavy, Homam; Moosavifard, Seyyed Ebrahim; Ghahraman Afshar, Majid

Robustness of Gold Nanoparticles on Gold Film Electrode for Sweat Analysis with Miniature Sono-electroanalytical Platform

She, Xiang; Wang, Xiaohe; Niu, Pengfei; Zhang, Menglun; Pang, Wei
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118 2021

Stripping away ion hydration shells in electrical double-layer formation: Water networks matter

Alfarano, Serena R.; Pezzotti, Simone; Stein, Christopher J.; Lin, Zhou; Sebastiani, Federico; Funke, Sarah; Hoberg, Claudius; Kolling, Inga; Ma, Chun Yu; Mauelshagen, Katja; Ockelmann, Thorsten; Schwaab, Gerhard; Fu, Li; Brubach, Jean-Blaise; Roy, Pascale; Head-Gordon, Martin; Tschulik, Kristina; Gaigeot, Marie-Pierre; Havenith, Martina
J. Electrochem. Soc. (Journal of The Electrochemical Society) 168 2021

On-Chip Electrochemical Analysis Combined with Liquid-Phase Electron Microscopy of Zinc Deposition/Dissolution

Sasaki, Yuki; Yoshida, Kaname; Kuwabara, Akihide; Ikuhara, Yuichi
IEEE Sensors J. (IEEE Sensors Journal) 21 2021

Enhanced Proton Conduction of Graphene Oxide by the Addition of ZIF-8 for Room Temperature Relative Humidity Sensors

Zardalidis, George; Daletou, Maria K.; Farmakis, Filippos
Materials Today Chemistry 23 2022

Electrochemical removal and simultaneous sensing of mercury with inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry from drinking water

Surucu, O.
Additive Manufacturing 2022

Electrochemical 3D Printing of Silver and Nickel Microstructures with FluidFM

van Nisselroy, Cathelijn; Shen, Chunjian; Zambelli, Tomaso; Momotenko, Dmitry
ACS omega 6 2021

Fabrication of GQD-Electrodeposited Screen-Printed Carbon Electrodes for the Detection of the CRP Biomarker

Lakshmanakumar, Muthaiyan; Nesakumar, Noel; Sethuraman, Swaminathan; S, Rajan K.; Krishnan, Uma Maheswari; Rayappan, John Bosco Balaguru
Port. Electrochim. Acta (Portugaliae Electrochimica Acta) 39 2021

Corrosion Inhibition Study of Mild Steel in an Aqueous Hydrochloric Acid Solution Using Brilliant Cresyl Blue - a Combined Experimental and Monte Carlo Study

Berisha, A.; Podvorica, F. I.; Vataj, R.
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 139 2022

Influencing parameters on the electrochemical growth of V2O5 nanorods on ITO as interfacial layer in bulk heterojunction polymer solar cells

Hasannezhad, Fatemeh; Naji, Leila; Arvand, Majid
Analytical chemistry 93 2021

Two-Step Competitive Hybridization Assay: A Method for Analyzing Cancer-Related microRNA Embedded in Extracellular Vesicles

Saha, Sudip; Allelein, Susann; Pandey, Richa; Medina-Perez, Paula; Osman, Enas; Kuhlmeier, Dirk; Soleymani, Leyla
Inorganic chemistry 60 2021

Coordination and Electrochemical Switching on Paddle-Wheel Complexes Containing an As-Ru or a Sb-Ru Axis

Gericke, Robert; Wagler, Jörg
ACS nano 2021

Tuning the Structure, Conductivity, and Wettability of Laser-Induced Graphene for Multiplexed Open Microfluidic Environmental Biosensing and Energy Storage Devices

Chen, Bolin; Johnson, Zachary T.; Sanborn, Delaney; Hjort, Robert G.; Garland, Nate T.; Soares, Raquel R. A.; van Belle, Bryan; Jared, Nathan; Li, Jingzhe; Jing, Dapeng; Smith, Emily A.; Gomes, Carmen L.; Claussen, Jonathan C.
Adv. Mater. Technol. (Advanced Materials Technologies) 2021

Highly Stretchable and Skin Adhesive Soft Bioelectronic Patch for Long‐Term Ambulatory Electrocardiography Monitoring

Li, Yue; Rodríguez‐Serrano, Alan F.; Yeung, Sin Yu; Hsing, I‐Ming
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 904 2022

Nanozymes ‘artificial peroxidase’ in reduction and detection of organic peroxides

Komkova, Maria A.; Zarochintsev, Alexander A.; Karyakin, Arkady A.
Materials Science and Engineering: C 2021

Conducting polymer hydrogels with electrically-tuneable mechanical properties as dynamic cell culture substrates

Ting, Matthew S.; Vella, Joseph; Raos, Brad J.; Narasimhan, Badri Narayanan; Svirskis, Darren; Travas-Sejdic, Jadranka; Malmström, Jenny
Bioelectrochemistry (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 144 2022

Gram-positive bacteria covered bioanode in a membrane-electrode assembly for use in bioelectrochemical systems

Hubenova, Yolina; Borisov, Galin; Slavcheva, Evelina; Mitov, Mario
Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 2393 2022

Agar-Integrated Three-Dimensional Microelectrodes for On-Chip Impedimetric Monitoring of Bacterial Viability

Butler, Derrick; Ebrahimi, Aida
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