ACS omega 7 2022

Enhancement of Electrochemical Stability Window and Electrical Properties of CNT-Based PVA-PEG Polymer Blend Composites

Sadiq, Mohd; Khan, M. Ajmal; Hasan Raza, Mohammad Moeen; Aalam, Shah Masheerul; Zulfequar, Mohammad; Ali, Javid
Energy Tech (Energy Technology) 11 2023

Fabrication of Symmetric Polyaniline/Nano‐Titanium Dioxide/Activated Carbon Supercapacitor Device in Different Electrolytic Mediums: Role of High Surface Area of Carbon and Facile Interactions with Nano‐Titanium Dioxide for High‐Performance Supercapacitor

Singh, Gyan; Kumar, Yogesh; Husain, Samina
Biosensors 12 2022

A Multipurpose and Multilayered Microneedle Sensor for Redox Potential Monitoring in Diverse Food Analysis

Mugo, Samuel M.; Dhanjai; Lu, Weihao; Robertson, Scott
Chemosensors 10 2022

Machine Learning-Based Multi-Level Fusion Framework for a Hybrid Voltammetric and Impedimetric Metal Ions Electronic Tongue

Lu, Tianqi; Al-Hamry, Ammar; Hao, Junfeng; Liu, Yang; Qu, Yunze; Kanoun, Olfa
Chemosensors 10 2022

Gas Sensors Based on Exfoliated g-C3N4 for CO2 Detection

Kotbi, Ahmed; Benyoussef, Manal; Ressami, El Mostafa; Lejeune, Michael; Lakssir, Brahim; Jouiad, Mustapha
Chemical Engineering Journal 454 2023

Plasmon coupling inside 2D-like TiB2 flakes for water splitting half reactions enhancement in acidic and alkaline conditions

Zabelina, Anna; Miliutina, Elena; Zabelin, Denis; Burtsev, Vasilii; Buravets, Vladislav; Elashnikov, Roman; Neubertova, Viktorie; Šťastný, Martin; Popelková, Daniela; Lancok, Jan; Chertopalov, Sergii; Paidar, Martin; Trelin, Andrii; Michalcová, Alena; Švorčík, Vaclav; Lyutakov, Oleksiy
ACS nano 16 2022

Water Peel-Off Transfer of Electronically Enhanced, Paper-Based Laser-Induced Graphene for Wearable Electronics

Pinheiro, Tomás; Correia, Ricardo; Morais, Maria; Coelho, João; Fortunato, Elvira; Sales, M. Goreti F.; Marques, Ana C.; Martins, Rodrigo
Carbon Lett. (Carbon Letters) 2022

An environmentally friendly and simple method for producing multi-layer exfoliated graphene in mass production from pencil graphite and its utilization for removing cadmium from an aqueous medium

Alabdo, Fatima; Alahmad, Waleed; Pengsomjit, Untika; Halabi, Mohammad; Varanusupakul, Pakorn; Kraiya, Charoenkwan
Scientific reports 12 2022

High electrolyte uptake of MXene integrated membrane separators for Zn-ion batteries

Likitaporn, Chutiwat; Okhawilai, Manunya; Kasemsiri, Pornnapa; Qin, Jiaqian; Potiyaraj, Pranut; Uyama, Hiroshi
Journal of nanobiotechnology 20 2022

Filtration-processed biomass nanofiber electrodes for flexible bioelectronics

Ando, Daiki; Teshima, Tetsuhiko F.; Zurita, Francisco; Peng, Hu; Ogura, Kota; Kondo, Kenji; Weiß, Lennart; Hirano-Iwata, Ayumi; Becherer, Markus; Alexander, Joe; Wolfrum, Bernhard
Solid State Communications 360 2023

Fabrication of hybrid graphene nanosheets / Vanadium(V) oxide nanoparticles composite electrodes for supercapacitor application

Habeeb, Anwar I.; Al-Asadi, Ahmed S.
Electroanalysis 2022

Electrochemical sensing platform based on the use of ZnONPs and MWCNTs as CPE modifiers for a selective and sensitive determination of polyamine spermine in the urine sample

Stojanović, Zorica; Đurović, Ana; Kravić, Snežana; Ashrafi, Amir; Richtera, Lukas
Microchemical Journal 185 2023

Efficient “on–off” photoelectrochemical sensing platform with layer-by-layer assembly of titanium dioxide nanotube arrays and silver@zinc sulfide nanoparticles for unbiased and accurate monitoring of clonazepam

Hasani, Saeed; Arvand, Majid; Farahmand Habibi, Maryam
Biosensors & bioelectronics 222 2023

Non-covalent π-π functionalized Gii-senseⓇ graphene foam for interleukin 10 impedimetric detection

M Frias, Isaac A.; Zine, Nadia; Sigaud, Monique; Lozano-Sanchez, Pablo; Caffio, Marco; Errachid, Abdelhamid
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 2022

Accelerating the development of implantable neurochemical biosensors by using existing clinically applied depth electrodes

Macdonald, Alexander R.; Charlton, Francessca; Corrigan, Damion K.
Inorg. Mater. Appl. Res. (Inorganic Materials: Applied Research) 13 2022

On the Mechanism of Formation of Electrochromic WO3 Films on the Surface of Sn, Ti, ITO Electrodes in the Process of Cathodic Electrodeposition

Shchegolkov, Alexey V.; Lipkin, M. S.; Shchegolkov, Alexander V.; Korbova, E. V.; Lipkina, T. V.; Lipkin, V. M.
Electroanalysis 2022

Design and Application of Molecularly Imprinted Electrochemical Sensor for the New Generation Antidiabetic Drug Saxagliptin

El Malahany, Nourhan; Abdel Tawab, Muhammed; Elwy, Hanan; Fahmy, Hussein; Mohamed El Nashar, Rasha
Talanta 254 2023

A wireless smartphone-based “tap-and-detect” formaldehyde sensor with disposable nano-palladium grafted laser-induced graphene (nanoPd@LIG) electrodes

Soleh, Asamee; Saisahas, Kasrin; Promsuwan, Kiattisak; Saichanapan, Jenjira; Thavarungkul, Panote; Kanatharana, Proespichaya; Meng, Lingyin; Mak, Wing Cheung; Limbut, Warakorn
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