Knowledge Base


Cyclic Voltammetry 1/4- Introduction

Moving from passive potentiometric experiments to potentiostatic experiments by controlling the potential was an important development. However, the step that followed towards potentiodynamic experiments may have been even more important for modern electrochemistry. Potentiodynamic experiments made it easy to collect all the data needed for a plot of current I versus potential E. These plots are called a voltammogram and the technique used for measuring is called voltammetry. In a short period of time the cyclic voltammetry (CV) provides a lot of information and allows kinetic investigations. It is by far the most used technique by PalmSens customers. Experienced electrochemists read quite some information from the shape of a CV.


Getting Started with the Emstat Pico MUX16

This description explains how to address the MUX16, enable the MethodSCRIPT sandbox editor in PSTrace, customize MethodSCRIPT and perform your first measurement using our 16 resistor test cell.


Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide – PDF

The experiment described in this PDF concludes the article series 'Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide with Selfmade Prussian Blue Electrodes'. Good luck!


Copper and Nickel Deposition – PDF

The article series 'Copper and Nickel Deposition' provides the theoretical background for the final experiment. In this PDF the instructions can be found to perform the electrochemical experiment. Good luck!


PalmSens SDK for MATLAB

MATLAB is used by many researchers at universities and research institutes to visualize and analyse data. With this SDK, you can control your PalmSens instrument and process the da...


PalmSens SDKs for .NET

Develop your own application in no time for use with any PalmSens instrument or potentiostat module. ...


PalmSens SDK for WPF

With this PalmSens Software Development Kit you develop Windows applications in Visual Studio .NET using Windows Presentation Foundating (WPF). WPF is a UI framework that is resolu...


PalmSens SDK for WinForms

With this PalmSens Software Development Kit you develop Windows applications in Visual Studio .NET using WinForms. WinForms is a UI framework that creates rich desktop client apps ...


PalmSens SDK for UWP

UWP depreciated Support for UWP is depreciated. Version 5.7 is the last version. The EmStat4-series is not supported by this version. For new developments, we reco...


PalmSens SDK for Android – Xamarin

With this PalmSens Software Development Kit you develop Android applications in Visual Studio .NET using Xamarin. The SDK can be used with all PalmSens instruments and potentiostat...

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