Knowledge Base



PalmSens3 recovery

This article guides you on how to recover your PalmSens3 firmware if it does not connect properly anymore using a USB cable or wirelessly.



A voltammogram is a graph that can be drawn after an electrochemical experiment. This graph has a typical, recognizable form in which the electron flow (current: i) is measured in Volt against the potential (E).


Redox Potential

Redox potential (reduction potential of ORP) is an abbreviation for reduction and oxidation potential. A redox potential is the potential value when the reduction and oxidation of a certain metal or other chemical are in balance with each other. Redox potential is measured in Volt (V).


Future of electrochemical sensors

Curious how electrochemical sensors will be used in the future? Niels van Velzen, the CTO of PalmSens, explains about biosensor strips and portable readers. The readers perform mea...


Portable potentiostat

In some cases you want to carry out your measurements in the field, in several places and have results available immediately. That is why PalmSens has developed a portable battery-powered potentiostat and a USB-powered potentiostat that you can connect directly to your phone.



A potential is nothing other than the voltage or electrical voltage of a specific (liquid) substance.

impedance analyzer

Impedance analyzer

An impedance analyzer is a device that can measure how a particular substance or electrode surface responds to a a potential that is constantly increased and decreased within certain predefined limits (a potential wave).



If you want to apply a current to a liquid, such as mercury, and want to observe the change of potential, you need a device that can control the former and measure the latter. Such a device is called a galvanostat.


Frequency response analyzer

Nowadays, potentiostats are usually equipped with a frequency response analyzer so that you only need one device for the entire experimental setup. If you need a frequency response analyzer, the purchase of a PalmSens4 portable potentiostat is your best choice.

EIS Analyzer

An EIS Analyzer is a device that can measure how a particular substance or electrode surface responds to a a potential that is constantly increased and decreased within certain predefined limits (a potential wave).


Economical Potentiostat

If you want to do electrochemical measurements with a specific purpose in mind, you may need an economically priced potentiostat. Palmsens has several attractively priced instruments for you.

Cyclic voltammetry

Cyclic voltammetry is a known method of demonstrating the presence of a substance in a given liquid by drawing a graph with a characteristic wavy line. The graph has a typical, recognizable form in which the electron flow (current: i) is measured in Volt against the potential (E).

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