Knowledge Base


Polarization Curves: setup, recording, processing and features

In this extensive section Polarization Curves are discussed. How to setup your equipment, the choice of parameters as well as the data processing is discussed. This will enable you to record a polarization curve and extract the corrosion rate from it by using PSTrace 5. Furthermore, the polarization curves and Evan’s diagrams for passivation films (thick and thin) are discussed. This section closes with a brief description of crevice and pitting corrosion.

Capacitive Current

If the potential of the electrode is changed, for example during a potential step, the amount of charge the capacitor stores changes, and a current will flow that has no chemical but only a physical meaning. This is the current that charges or discharges the capacitor also known as capacitive charging current or short capacitive current.

OCP with MUX8-R2

The multiplexer MUX8-R2 offers the possibility to record reliable Open Circuit Potential (OCP) measurements in the Alternating mode, which allows to monitor the OCP of multiple samples / working electrodes over time with a single potentiostat. This is a significant improvement compared to its predecessors MUX8 and MUX16. In this application note it is demonstrated how to setup and perform an OCP measurement with the MUX8-R2 in the Alternating mode.


Impact of Noise on DPV and SWV

In this application note, the influence of noise on a measurement using a differential pulse technique is demonstrated.


PalmSens4 recovery

This article guides you on how to recover your PalmSens4 firmware if it does not connect properly anymore using a USB cable or Bluetooth. ...

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