Knowledge Base


EmStat4M LR potentiostat module for OEM

EmStat4 Firmware v1.2.3

See app note "EmStat Pico firmware updating" for more information about updating built-in and bare EmStat4M modules.


MethodSCRIPT v1.4

The MethodSCRIPT scripting language is designed to improve the flexibility of the PalmSens potentiostat and galvanostat devices for OEM users. It allows users to start measurements with arguments that are similar to the arguments in PSTrace. PalmSens provides libraries and examples for handling low level communication and generating scripts for MethodSCRIPT devices such as the EmStat Pico and EmStat4.


MethodSCRIPT UDL file for Notepad++

Use this file to add MethodSCRIPT syntax highlighting to Notepad++. To install: Download and unzip the MethodSCRIPT UDL file. In Notepad++, select Language, User defined language, Define your language, import. Select the MethodSCRIPT_UDL.xml file.


BVT-AC9C datasheet

Datasheet for the BVT-AC9C, a sensor with 8 working electrodes and one reference electrode.


PSTrace Tutorial #6: Peak detection

Learn how to perform peak detection in PSTrace. PSTrace is a software package that controls PalmSens potentiostats. Download PSTrace here.  ...


PSTrace Tutorial #4: Blank subtraction

Learn how to perform automatic and manual blank subtraction in PSTrace. PSTrace is a software package that controls PalmSens potentiostats. Download PSTrace here.  ...

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