
Engineered for Electrochemical Excellence

  • (Bi)Potentiostat/ Galvanostat/ Impedance analyzer
  • FRA / EIS: 10 μHz up to 1 MHz
  • 11 current ranges: 100 pA to  1 A
  • Dual EIS with second sense electrode
  • Script your experiments using MethodSCRIPT
  • Use with PSTrace software for Windows
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) is an electrochemical technique to measure the impedance of a system in dependence of the AC potentials frequency. With this option you can select the maximum AC frequency for EIS.
Get an additional Working Electrode and make a BiPotentiostat of your instrument. continue reading
PalmSens usually responds to your quotation request within one business day.


The Nexus uses the latest advancements in technology, and offers very accurate electrochemical results with ultra-low-noise.

The instrument offers a broad array of electrochemical techniques, and stores all measurements internally on a 32 GB backup enabling hyperfast (µs time interval) long measurements. The research software PSTrace makes using the Nexus a breeze. The scripting language MethodSCRIPT gives a user full control when needed. Looking for a multi-channel instrument? Just stack multiple instruments on top of each other. iR-compensation is included by default.

Why choose the Nexus?

Typical research fields

Always a backup

Every Nexus is equipped with an internal storage of 32 GB. This means all your measurements* can automatically be saved on-board as backup.
Measurements can be browsed and transferred to the PC easily using the PSTrace software for Windows.
* Not supported for on-device backup: EIS, MultiStep and MixedMode


Accessories for the Nexus

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Voltammetric techniques

Linear Sweep Voltammetry (LSV)
In Linear Sweep Voltammetry a potential scan is performed from the begin potential, to the end potential. The voltage during the scan increases with small potential steps. Continue reading
Cyclic Voltammetry (CV)
Cyclic voltammetry is a known method of demonstrating the presence of a substance in a given liquid by drawing a graph with a characteristic wavy line. Continue reading
Fast Cyclic Voltammetry (FCV)
Fast Cyclic Voltammetry is cyclic voltammetry with a very high scan rate up to 1 V per microsecond. Continue reading
AC Voltammetry (ACV)
In AC Voltammetry a potential scan is made with a superimposed sine wave which has a relatively small amplitude of 5 ~ 10 mV and a frequency of 10 to 250 Hz. Continue reading

Pulsed techniques

Differential Pulse Voltammetry (DPV)
In Differential Pulse Voltammetry a potential scan is made using pulses with a constant amplitude of E pulse superimposed on the dc-potential. Continue reading
Square Wave Voltammetry (SWV)
Square Wave Voltammetry is a special version of Differential Pulse Voltammetry is, where the pulse time is equal to half the interval time. Continue reading
Normal Pulse Voltammetry (NPV)
In Normal Pulse Voltammetry (NPV) a potential scan is made by making constantly larger potential steps of pulse. Continue reading

Amperometric techniques

Chronoamperometry (CA)
The instrument applies a constant dc-potential and the current is measured with constant interval times. Continue reading
Zero Resistance Amperometry
A ZRA measures the current flowing through it without adding any resistance. This means the current is measured without the ZRA influencing the current. Continue reading
Chronocoulometry (CC)
Chronocoulometry is an electrochemical technique during which a potential is set. Continue reading
MultiStep Amperometry (MA)
MultiStep Amperometry (MA) is an electrochemical technique which simply allows the user to specify the number of potential steps they want to apply and how long each step should last. Continue reading
Fast Amperometry (FAM)
Fast Amperometry (FAM) is a form of amperometric detection with very high sampling rates or respectively very short interval times. Continue reading
Pulsed Amperometric Detection (PAD)
With Pulsed Amperometric Detection a series of pulses (pulse profile) is periodically repeated. Pulsed Amperometric Detection can be used when higher sensitivity is required. Continue reading
Multiple-Pulse Amperometric Detection (MPAD)
Multiple-Pulse Amperometric Detection (MPAD) is an electrochemical technique that can be used when higher sensitivity is required. Using pulses instead of constant potential might result in higher faradaic currents Continue reading

Galvanostatic techniques

Linear Sweep Potentiometry (LSP)
With Linear Sweep Potentiometry, a current scan is performed from the begin current to the end current. Continue reading
Chronopotentiometry (CP)
Chronopotentiometry (CP)is an electrochemical technique in which a controlled current, usually a constant current, is caused to flow between two electrodes; the potential of one electrode is monitored as a function of time with respect to a suitable reference electrode. Continue reading
MultiStep Potentiometry (MSP)
MultiStep Potentiometry allows the user to specify the number of current steps they want to apply and how long each step should last. The potential response is continuously sampled with the specified interval. Continue reading
Open Circuit Potentiometry (OCP)
Open Circuit Potential (OCP) is the potential where no current is flowing, because the circuit is open. Continue reading
Stripping Chronopotentiometry (SCP / PSA)
Stripping Chronopotentiometry (SCP or PSA) starts with a deposition stage at the deposition potential. After this stage, the potential versus time is recorded. In this stage, the potentiostat is switched off and the measurement starts. Continue reading

Electrochemical Impedance spectroscopy (EIS)

Electrochemical Impedance spectroscopy (EIS)
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) is an electrochemical technique to measure the impedance of a system in dependence of the AC potentials frequency. Continue reading
PEIS - Potential scan (IMPE)
EIS - Fixed potential
GEIS - Fixed current
EIS - Time scan (IMPT)


Mixed Mode (MM)
Mixed Mode is a flexible technique that allows for switching between potentiostatic, galvanostatic, and open circuit measurements during a single run. Continue reading
Techniques marked with an * will become available with a software update at a later moment.
Missing a technique? See cross-reference list


dc-potential range
The maximum potential difference, that can be applied between WE and RE.
±10 V
compliance voltage
The compliance voltage is the maximum voltage that can be applied between the working and counter electrode. Another name could be the maximum cell potential. Continue reading
±12 V
maximum current ±1.1 A
Potentiostat (controlled potential mode)
applied dc-potential resolution
The lowest observable difference between two values that a measurement device can differentiate between.
78 µV
applied potential accuracy
The applied potential accuracy describes how close to the real values your applied potential is.
≤0.1% ±1 mV offset
current ranges
A potentiostat measures current. For optimal precision, the range between which currents are measured is split into multiple current ranges. A current range defines the maximum current a potentiostat can measure in a certain range. This means it will also determine the resolution, because the number of bits or rather states is fixed, while the current range is variable.
100 pA to 1 A (11 ranges)
current accuracy
The current accuracy describes how close to the real values your measured current is.
< 0.1% of measured current
±10 pA ±0.1% of range
measured current resolution
The lowest observable difference between two values that a measurement device can differentiate between.

0.0038 % of current range

(3.8 fA on 100 pA range)

Galvanostat (controlled current mode)
current ranges
A potentiostat measures current. For optimal precision, the range between which currents are measured is split into multiple current ranges. A current range defines the maximum current a potentiostat can measure in a certain range. This means it will also determine the resolution, because the number of bits or rather states is fixed, while the current range is variable.
1 nA to 1 A (10 ranges)
applied dc-current

±5 * range (< 10 mA)
±4.5 * range (10-100 mA)
±1 * range (1 A)

applied dc-current resolution 0.0038% of applied current range 
applied dc-
current accuracy
The current accuracy describes how close to the real values your measured current is.
< 0.1% of current
±10 pA (bias) ±0.1% of range (offset)
potential ranges 10 mV, 100 mV, 1 V
measured dc-potential resolution

78 µV at ±10 V (1 V range)

7.8 µV at ±1 V (100 mV range)

0.78 µV at ±0.1 V (10 mV range)

78 nV at ±0.01 V (1 mV range)

measured dc-potential accuracy ≤ 0.05% or ±1 mV (for |E| < ±9 V)
≤ 0.2% (for |E| ≥ ±9 V)
Optional: FRA / EIS (impedance measurements)
frequency range 10 μHz to 1 MHz
ac-amplitude range 1 mV to 0.3 V rms, or 0.8 V p-p
Optional: GEIS (galvanostatic impedance measurements)
frequency range 10 μHz to 1 MHz
ac-amplitude range

0.001 * range to 0.15 * range RMS (full range)

0.001 * range to 0.74 * range RMS for frequencies up to 1 kHz

electrometer amplifier input
The amplifier input resistance of the amplifier in the electrometer determines the load that the amplifier places on the source of the signal being fed into it. Ideally the resistance is infinite, and the load to be zero to not to influence your measurement.
> 1 TΩ // 10 pF
The range of frequencies between which you can measure. Continue reading
1 MHz
Optional: Bipotentiostat
dc-potential range
The maximum potential difference, that can be applied between WE and RE.
± 5 V
dc-potential resolution 153 µV (16-bit)
dc-offset error ≤ 0.1%, ±  1 mV offset
accuracy ≤ 0.1 %
current ranges
A potentiostat measures current. For optimal precision, the range between which currents are measured is split into multiple current ranges. A current range defines the maximum current a potentiostat can measure in a certain range. This means it will also determine the resolution, because the number of bits or rather states is fixed, while the current range is variable.
100 pA to 10 mA (9 ranges)
maximum measured current i(WE1) + i(WE2) < 45 mA
current resolution 0.0038% of current range
current accuracy
The current accuracy describes how close to the real values your measured current is.
≤ 0.1% of current 0.1% of range (offset)
iR Compensation module
method used for iR-drop compensation Positive Feedback
resolution of MDAC used for correcting potential 16-bit
max. compensated resistance 1 MΩ
The range of frequencies between which you can measure. Continue reading
for iR-drop compensation enabled
10 kHz
electrode connection

2 mm banana pins for RE, WE, WE2, CE, GND, Sense and Sense 2

housing aluminium body: 20 x 21 x 4.5 cm
weight 1.8 kg
communication ethernet and USB-C
internal storage space 32 GB
or > 800 million datapoints
Auxiliary port (D-Sub 15)
analog input ±10 V,
A potentiostat has to convert real-world measurements into a binary format to use them. The number of bits the real world measurement is converted to, is one of the determining factors for the resolution of a potentiostat. A potentiostat with 18 bits, can measure the potential and current in 2^18 or roughly 262 thousand different steps. Continue reading
analog output 0-10 V, 12 bit (1 kΩ output impedance)
4 digital outputs

0-5 V

1 digital input 0-5 V
i-out and E-out raw output of current and potential
E-out ±10 V (1 kΩ output impedance)
i-out ±2 V (1 kΩ output impedance)
power 5 V output (max. 150 mA)



PSTrace for Windows provides support for all techniques and device functionalities. With a smooth simple interface, showing only the applicable controls, PSTrace is suitable for all levels of user experience. Functions include:

  • Direct validation of method parameters
  • Equivalent Circuit Fitting
  • Automated peak search
  • Scripting for running an automated sequence of measurements
  • Open data in Origin and Excel with one click of a button
  • Load data from the internal storage
More information about PSTrace
PSTrace Method Editor

Software Development Kits

The PalmSens Software Development Kits (SDKs) for .NET can be used with any of our instruments or OEM potentiostat modules to develop your own software. The SDK’s come with a set of examples that shows how to use the libraries.

PalmSens SDKs with examples are available for the following .NET Frameworks:

  • WinForms
  • WPF
  • Xamarin (for Android)
More information about SDKs for .NET

MethodSCRIPT™ communications protocol

The potentiostat (module) has an on-board parser for the MethodSCRIPT scripting language. This language allows developers to program a human-readable script for the potentiostat on any platform or operating system. The simple script language allows for running electrochemical techniques supported by EmStat4 and makes it easy to combine different measurements and other tasks.



Name Type Last updated
Nexus Brochure The Nexus uses the latest advancements in technology, and offers very accurate electrochemical results with ultra-low-noise. Read more about the Nexus in the brochure. Documentation 03-03-25
Nexus Operator Manual Learn how to connect the instrument, understand the specifications, use the features and troubleshoot if needed. Documentation 20-02-25
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